But the Conquered, or their Children, have no Court, no Arbitrator on Earth to appeal to. Then they may appeal, as Jephtha did, to Heaven, and repeat their Appeal, till they have recovered the native Right of their Ancestors, which was to have such a Legislative over them, as the Majority should approve, and freely acquiesce in.
-John Locke

Sunday, June 26, 2011

MSNBC Swings And Misses

MSNBC continues its unique brand of hard-hitting journalism.  This week, host Martin Bashir suggested that Sarah Palin is in violation of federal law regarding the use of the American Flag.  For those interested in Flag Code, there’s a website :http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagcode.htm

Seeking to enforce Flag Code is akin to calling in the license plates of drivers who travel 56 mph in a posted 55 zone.  We don’t even need to address the issue of whether Sarah Palin is in violation of the Flag Code – no one seems to care when the Flag is carried horizontally at Superbowls or College Bowl games and the like.

What is interesting is that MSNBC runs a feature that offers the suggestion that Palin is violation of the law.  When is MSNBC or Martin Bashir going to report on the fact that Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats have declined to pass a budget for two years? Of course, should MSNBC ever suggest that the Senate Democrats are failing to do their job, Harry Reid or Kent Conrad might correctly feel that it’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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